Thursday, 13 October 2016

Brownsea Island - 28/9/16 Spotted Redshank, Curlew Sandpiper, Spoonbills

A beautiful warm, sunny and blue sky start for our trip to Brownsea. First stop were the hides at the lagoon and they didn't disappoint. The most amazing sight was the line up of 37 Spoonbills a little distant but not a bad view. Other stars of the day were Curlew Sandpipers a lifer for us, Spotted Redshanks, Redshanks, Avocets, a couple of passing Sandwich Terns, Snipe, Dunlin, Wigeon, Shelduck, Shovelers, Kingfisher etc. 
After a visit to the hides we walked to the villa area hoping to see some Red Squirrels. Unfortunately we didn't see any in this area but later on in the woods around the church we saw plenty. These squirrels were a joy to watch as they scurried up trees and through leaves searching for and then burying nuts for a winter cache.
In total 41 birds seen in a beautiful relaxing environment. We met some lovely friendly fellow birders and some fantastic informative Dorset Wildlife Trust staff.  Can't wait to return! 

   Black tailed Godwit

                   Spoonbills - we counted 37!

    Just love that bill

                   Blkwits, Redshank and possible sleeping Curlew Sandpipers

    Dunlin or Curlew Sandpiper?

                   Spotted Redshank

   Curlew Sandpiper & Turnstone

                   Curlew Sandpiper 

    Ringed Black tailed Godwit - must find out where it came from

                   Spotted Redshank - at least 4 on the lagoon

Wigeon in eclipse - great colours

                   3 wise Spotties!

    Elegance - Spotted Redshank


                   Graceful Avocet


                   Brownsea infamous Red Squirrel


                   Best views ever of the Red Squirrels as they were busy foraging on the woodland 
                   floor preparing caches for winter.

1 comment:

  1. Great shots , 37 spoonbill !! Wow ! Those squirrels are great little things !
