Monday, 25 August 2014

Greylake, Shapwick & Ham Wall 22nd August 2014 - Summers end on the Levels

Arrived at RSPB Greylake early morning to a mixture of cloud, sun and a breeze. From the platform we were lucky to see in the distance a flock of 9 or so Cranes always great to see.  Our stroll took us past the wildflower meadow on the lookout for Clouded Yellow butterflies but unfortunately none were flying here.  From the reeds though we had some great sightings of Reed Warblers.
There were a few Small tortoiseshell and Green Veined Whites on the wing along the grassy path leading down to the screen and then a Clouded Yellow flew by and believe it or not landed on a dandelion at our feet! 
Across the ditch we observed a Kingfisher perched in a dead tree. Our eyes looked skyward as we heard the familiar cries of a Peregrine and there above us were three Peregrines who looked to be teaching a youngster how to swoop and dive.  Great to watch. There were also plenty of Dragonflies along this stretch of the walk.
From the hide its self we had a great view of a Marsh Harrier and Kestrel as well as Little Egret and Heron.  Plenty of House Martins and Swallows were seen over the reeds.
Ham Wall was ' buzzing' with dragonflies and butterflies. Not too much bird activity but the reserve is always a joy to visit for all its flora and fauna.
The scrape at Shapwick has now been drained providing refuge for a good amount of Lapwings, duck species and large group of Little Egrets as well as 3 Great White Egrets when we were there.  No doubt other migrants will now visit on their journey South.
The Osprey was still in the same tree on Noah's lake a week on now and still braving the very strong breeze!

Migrant Hawker

Clouded Yellow - landed at our feet!

Clouded Yellow

Migrant Hawker

Butterfly festival on the Hemp Agrimony

Common Darter (m) immature

Purple Loosestrife and Reedmace

Still so green - view to the Tor

Osprey still on Noah's Lake - Shapwick

Great White Egrets on the drained scrape - a third was just out of view

Little Egrets - there must have been at least 25!


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